Redback Garrison

Full Version: Please welcome AR-5092 Glitch
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Please welcome our newest Null Class Advanced Recon Commando AR-5092 Glitch.

Sean has busy at his cloning facility on the Gold Coast. This is the 2nd Null Class Advanced Recon Commando in the Redbacks and Australia.

Nice work mate.

[Image: ar5092_full.jpg] [Image: ar5092_head.jpg]
Wait a sec, if he is second, was i the first Null Class?

Well done Sean...!!!
Keep 'em coming... Smile Wink
Great work Glitch! I can see a few clones going to CoastNova and DW.Smile
And the clones keep on coming. Nice one Sean.
Well Done Glitch
Great Work!
Nice one Smile congrats
Great work Sean
So there's multiple clones from the one Sean?! What the?! Looks fantastic mate, well done!
AaRr that be impressive
well done
Congrat's mate.
Fantastic!!! Congrats on the approval Sean! Time to make the Separatists glitchy Cheeky