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hi from brisbane - Printable Version

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RE: hi from brisbane - droll30 - Wednesday 23-Oct-2013

so everyones laughing at me in the garrison now?

RE: hi from brisbane - RandomPinkPie - Wednesday 23-Oct-2013

Okay first thing, thats not true
Second thing, Disreguard my gif. I just was bored and this thread made my giggle a little

Okay, you may not have passed the first time but thats not stopping you joining at all. Just a suggestion here before making edits and going for a second approval so soon. What references do you have? gather as many as you can from alot of different sources as long as they're canon (from the show direct, not a 3rd party place like fan art, ebay costumes, etc)

I joined a while ago and still have not been approved myself, but I dont plan on going for approval or even starting my build thread until i know I have everything exact to millimeter measurements.

It's alot of hard work and no one said it would be easy. but the end resulat is worth it and very respectful

RE: hi from brisbane - droll30 - Wednesday 23-Oct-2013

hi random pinkpie
ive stopped work on the tb for now so i can get my ic passed and get full membership just need to change a couple of things and it should be passable

RE: hi from brisbane - Rayvn - Wednesday 23-Oct-2013

Nope, far from it, but it does amaze some of us how you can get something so simple so wrong. It's there is black and white in a crl. Some of us have built and are building characters who currently have no crl, we can get it right. If we get it wrong the first, second and even third time, we don't have a big sooky lala about it, we fix it. You have it there is front of you and offers of help. Some items are hard to come buy, but someone will always tell you where to get it from. I know most of our newbys take several months, especially if they are doing hard armour. I have a body suit that has taken months, many experiments, oodles of planning, research...when you get the end result though, the feeling is awesome. One little tip though that I learnt the hard way. Try and craft your costume so it is easiy to fix if it is knocked back.

We need more armour parties!!

RE: hi from brisbane - RandomPinkPie - Wednesday 23-Oct-2013

(Wednesday 23-Oct-2013, 09:20 AM)Duck Wrote:  I know most of our newbys take several months, especially if they are doing hard armour.

Aint this the truth. i mean I myself chose Pre Visla, knowing it would not be an easy irst build but i was will to take that challange on.

And even then I underestimated it still... But it sure as hell dosent mean i'm giving up on it at all.

But I'm enjoying every step. You can too Droll.
Every set back, although it may not seem, is an improvement. It gives each person the knowledge and if these setbacks are recorded, provides later members things to look out for.

The one I've gained is dont store your paint in a high place... Cats love high places. The ampunt of exploded paint cans ive had to replace becuase they were knocked down...

Anyway, Droll. A bit a coin may be in requirement from time to time to fix things. This is one case where improv or home remedies simply wont do. I was taught if Ikm to do a job. Zi do it right no matter how pain staking or difficult it may be.

RE: hi from brisbane - Rayvn - Wednesday 23-Oct-2013

Cats love redecorating

RE: hi from brisbane - droll30 - Wednesday 23-Oct-2013

hi all thanks for the encourgement i just need to get back on the horse after being kicked off and hitting the ground hard as i have said ive fixed the belt and fixed the under the knee pockets all thats left is to move velcro on the neck and wrists and maybe cut down another pair of dublin boots and my ic should be all set for approval.

RE: hi from brisbane - Draco - Wednesday 23-Oct-2013

No more unrelated gifs on this thread please.

RE: hi from brisbane - muppet - Wednesday 23-Oct-2013

(Wednesday 23-Oct-2013, 10:46 AM)droll30 Wrote:  hi all thanks for the encourgement i just need to get back on the horse after being kicked off and hitting the ground hard as i have said ive fixed the belt and fixed the under the knee pockets all thats left is to move velcro on the neck and wrists and maybe cut down another pair of dublin boots and my ic should be all set for approval.

Why would you want to cut up a perfectly good pair of boots?

Have you read the pinned thread that has links to the correct boots?

RE: hi from brisbane - droll30 - Wednesday 23-Oct-2013

so dublin boots are the incorrect boots? if so im back to square 1 and costumless for the 501st

RE: hi from brisbane - Phantom - Wednesday 23-Oct-2013

What muppet has offered is another option for the boots....did you read it??? These are what are specified in the CRL jackboots.

He didn't say the ones that you have are not correct, all he said is that there is another option where you don't have to cut up the Dublin boots. I only suggested that you trim the boots down to save you some time and money.

Please read and comprehend the posts first before commenting.

RE: hi from brisbane - droll30 - Wednesday 23-Oct-2013

My cut Down Dublin boots
I still need to get the rubber to cover to top

RE: hi from brisbane - Angry_Katarn - Wednesday 23-Oct-2013

Droll - i haven't even started my Costume for Approval yet, but i'm sitting here Taking Notes on what people say.
They've done it before and they know what they are talking about. Take heed of there advice and do as they say. go to some events and Wrangle. It's a Prime Opportunity to admire there costumes, see how they did things and get first hand picture's of what they turn out like. Have reference photo's of what u want yours to look like in the end, so u are a exact clone.

Ignore the guys posting picture's, there just being mean.
Listen to Muppet, he is very very wise in this stuff.
=] Don't forget to kill the Rebels.

RE: hi from brisbane - droll30 - Wednesday 23-Oct-2013

thanks katarn
those boots are now mid calf high just have to fix the tops with rubber and
ive been busy blasting the rebels( not literally) and have developed a dislikeing for them. rebel scum. i was in a club growing up and wrangling to them was sitting and manning a desk / display where noone took any notice of wranglers and just focused on the armoured / costumed characters

RE: hi from brisbane - stormybrite - Wednesday 23-Oct-2013

(Wednesday 23-Oct-2013, 02:07 PM)droll30 Wrote:  i was in a club growing up and wrangling to them was sitting and manning a desk / display where noone took any notice of wranglers and just focused on the armoured / costumed characters

I can tell you here and now Droll, our wranglers do so much more than sit and man a desk... Without our wranglers, we cannot troop it is just that simple.

Wranglers help us get ready and help us undress at the end of a troop, they help make sure that those in armour have their armour on correctly, they take photos, they answer questions, they help to keep those in armour safe and make sure our armour doesn't get wrecked, they give us breaks when we need it and way way way more. As much as us in armour are draw cards at an event, the way our wranglers interact with the public is just as important because it's hard to hear questions and talk when you have a bucket on...

Before writing off wrangling for the Redbacks - give it a go!! If you have questions about wrangling, please PM either the POC of an event or Doc or myself (the GEC team). I am truly thankful to every person who has in the past or will wrangle in the future... and even us with armour - step out of it when needed to help others out!!