Sunshine Coast Marathon 2km family walk
Troop Report 
Sunshine Coast Marathon 2km Family run
8am – 12pm
Trooper Attendance:
Phoenix – TKC
Solo – TK
Duras – TK
Mortogg – CT

After last years scouting mission of the Sunshine Coast Marathon the Empire had a shuttle sent out to offer more additional assistance with Local forces to keep an eye out for any Rebel activity as well as show off the Emperor's strength by having the Troopers take part in a race with the local families and children of the Empire.

The Troops arrived at the Sunshine Coast at the Alexandra Headlands pristine coast line. The weather, though warm had a nice cool breeze blowing and the sound of waves crashing against the sand and rocks of the beaches. Duras had arrived with his own transport shuttle and arrived at the rendezvous point he had set up and waited for Phoenix, Solo and myself Mortogg arrived shortly after. After a quick debriefing we headed out and mingled with the local populace, stopping to take photos and shake hands with the younglings. There were reports of Princess Leia in the same park, but after some quick investigations it was found to be a very young child who was in a very convincing costume.

As the day moved on and the competitors of the Marathon worked their way through their events we were called to the starting line with the rest of the families. After a quick count down we were under way with the run, but shortly into the run we had a problem: Trooper Duras’ belt had let go and was pulling everything down. After a quick field repair, pulling everything back up into place we opted to power walk and jog the event. Throughout the walk we stopped many times for more photo options with event volunteers and locals.

As we approached the finishing line we went double time to prove to one of the event callers that we could actually run in our armour. Once we crossed the Finish Line we were each given a medal for taking part in a amazing day on one of the best coast lines this planet has to offer. We then worked our way back into the park and once receiving a thank you from one of the event organizers for our hand in the day's activates and we were asked to help out again next year and if we need anything to call him.

We then went our way back to our shuttles and worked our way back to our barracks back on the Star Destroyer.

Charity Funds Raised:
Injuries / Malfunctions:
A few blisters and stiff muscles, nasty armour bite by myself Mortogg when suiting up on my thumb that would not stop bleeding - "Thank the Force for duct tape and tissues". And some armour popping and coming loss all round.
Public Incidents:
Missing Status:
Complete Success

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Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu. "They were the wrath of the warrior's shadow and the Gauntlet of the Republic"

[Image: sig1.jpg]
I would got further then armour popping for myself ... Had one pop stud explode on me and will need complete replacement Smile

Good time otherwise though - life depending consider me down for next year Smile

Oh plus the guy who thought was funny to throw a pass of a football at me. Thankfully pulled my mood back quickly and that no on could hear me under the helmet cause was a little blue there for a moment
DW2013 to DW2018
Didn't see that happen with the football

Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu. "They were the wrath of the warrior's shadow and the Gauntlet of the Republic"

[Image: sig1.jpg]
You wouldn't I was coming back from fixing my studs up the first time... Thinking over it he might of honestly thought I would see and catch it but just pushed my button at the time... Never mind no harm no foul in the long run Wink

Meantime pics of our princess we found

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[Image: IMG_10011_zpsc2bb49c7.jpg]

And Mortogg was disappointed he couldn't do the distance the way he originally envisioned

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DW2013 to DW2018
Hat's off to you guys, that's quite an effort Smile
Nice work guys, well done.

Would of been fun to see you run that bit. Wink
[Image: forumsig3.jpg]
Nice work guy's, don't think I would have liked running in my TK so congrat's for the efforts.
Stormtroopers: instant recognition combined with complete anonymity
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12 GCSN13 :DW13:
Great job guys, unfortunately I couldn't make it down due to school work but I'll try for the next local event!
"Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?" - Leia

Well done troopers !!!

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