2012-04-22 Supanova 2012 (Gold Coast) Episode III Princess of the Sith
Troop Report 
Date: 22/04/2012.

Venue: Gold Coast Convention Centre

Time: 10:00am – 6:00pm

Mission: To run the Photobooth and Information Table to collect donations for charity.

Trooper Attendance: See Sign In Sheet.

Guest Trooper Attendance: See Sign In Sheet.

Support Crew: See Sign In Sheet.

Detail: See expanded report.

Charity Funds Raised: ?

Injuries: None.

Malfunctions: None.

Public Incidents: None.

Mission Status: Success – the booth never stopped!

Photos: See expanded report.

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A long time ago in a galaxy far,
far away….


Supanova 2012 (Gold Coast) Episode III

The Supanova phenomenon continues across the Gold Coast system, spewing forth fictional and non-fictional manifestions. Havoc has reach critical levels as Imperial forces are stretched to their limits trying to contain the anomaly.

Lord Vader has put the order forth to capture any Princesses found existing in the Gold Coast system. The Imperial Security Bureau has instructed that all fictional Princesses are capable possessing random Imperial plans. Although the initial order to capture the mysterious Doctor and the rebel Luke Skywalker remain, the hunt for Princesses has become the paramount directive alongside using the Holostar to identify enemies and make a final push for victory.

Unknown to the Stormtroopers of the Redback Garrison occupying the Gold Coast system, their orders are from a Supanova manifestation of their master - not from the one true Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith....


TK-4875 reporting in…

To: Lord Vader
Fr: TK-4875, Redback Garrison, 501st Legion
Re: Gold Coast System Force Manifestations, Day 3.

My Lord,

I transmit this report from our shuttle on return to the Executor, barely having been able to write it. I have refused treatment until the nature of the final battles in the Gold System against the progeny of the Supanova Force manifestation has been recorded, encrypted, and transmitted to you, My Lord.

This all really climaxed when new orders had come in, specifically from (what we thought was you at the time) Lord Darth Vader with all the proper clearance and encryption codes. The orders were succinct, some new but others remaining:

1) Locate and capture any and all Princesses. (New)
2) Find and capture The Doctor and Luke Skywalker (Standing)
3) Make final push against the Supanova Force phenomenon. (Updated)

The Holostar technology continued to be our greatest asset in discovering members of the Rebel Alliance and their sympathisers, outlaw Jedi, dirty smugglers, and the products of the Supanova anomaly.

Recorded here is a great example of what your 501st Legion were up against. Swarms of life forms had to be dealt with, some with radioactive spider powers, indestructible shields, and even a miniature Sith Lords.

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An unknown alien identifying itself as the vanguard of the "Yuuzhan Vong" invasion force allied with another incarnation of the Batman, the two were difficult to dispatch as not even the Supanova-produced Darth Nihilus and Darth Vader could use their Force powers against them.

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It was difficult to ascertain the true-universe identity of this individual. Whilst undergoing the Holostar, he kept asking for "Tea. Earl Grey. Hot." In the end an ISB agent decided that he was a rebel and had him disintegrated.

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The rebel smuggler Han Solo was identified by the Holostar technology, but inaccuracies in his dialogue and being accompanied by the wrong species of hairy alien soon identified this Captain Solo as a fraud and he was dealt with most severley.

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With bow in hand, this spritely being was difficult to detain. The Force-arrows shot from his bow were just as effective at penetrating Stormtrooper armour as blaster fire. And to add further insult to our injuries, often when a trooper was mortally wounded a floating heart would pop out of their armour and this character would collect it and seemingly heal his wounds.

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A band of female prowlers were led by the Jedi criminal Ra'vik Ran-Corvik. Through a series of feline-like evasion techniques and Jedi-eye-balling they managed to escape before finally being recaptured.

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This scientist was as mad as they come. Claiming that his goggles could discern real beings from Supanova-produced beings, he was detained for interrogation. Upon discovering that the goggles do nothing this mad scientist was promptly disintegrated as a possible rebel conspirator.

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With his hand on her shoulder, we began to have our first suspicions that the Lord Darth Vader was acting differently, almost as though he had another mind all together than the one we are usually presented with. "Collect the Princesses, I must have all the Princesses," this Vader would command. Wanting an amazonian princess and a unique alien princess, he ordered the immediate capture of Wonder Woman and Superwoman. These two beings were practically indestructible and we lost over 1000 troopers trying to bring them down. Although our lives are expendable in the name of the Empire, the first signs of doubt about our Lord Vader had begun.

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When a landspeeder with no pilot arrived, blasters blazing at the Holostar technology it was first thought it was illegally droid-slaved. Bringing up an ion cannon caused the vehicle to transform into its true after being heavily ionised. Vader again placed his hands on this droid, further leading us to worry about his intentions. But soon enough, the droid was practically disabled, but salvageable, and sent to Coruscant for research.

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Harnessing the Force in the most peculiar ways, these younglings were instantly treated as alternate Force-users and a threat so were disintegrated. Before their demises they were throwing strange iterations of galactic Basic around to manipulate the Force.

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All Jedi had their light extinguished.

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Even when accompanied by Sith, if not in true league with us they were destroyed.

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There wasn't a Jedi spared.

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No sooner had we discovered these three Princesses, our Vader wanted them in his custody. All too soon, the mysterious blue box of the wanted Doctor phased in around them like a protective shield and then faded away again as soon as it had them inside.

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The hunt for Princesses was increased - this Vader's obsession grew. These were discovered, trying to use a special 'shades' technology to bypass the ocular operations of the Holostar technology. Our Vader was most pleased, finally having some Princesses properly detained for interrigation.

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The appearance of the once Queen of Naboo, Padme Amidala, sent this Vader into a frenzy. It was as though something broke in his mind upon seeing her. But, because she was royalty, she had to be brought in all the same and detained.

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Not even close to being a Princess, this character showed up and caused all sorts of havoc. Intelligence is still unsure whether she is naturally of this universe or spawned by the Supanova phenomenon. This character was tearing the world apart, but the Redback Garrison soon took care of her with a special salute.

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Just like any other time it appears, the mysterious blue police box of The Doctor arrived where it was needed most for our enemies. It delivered the three Princesses it had rescued, each of them able to jump amazing distances from the blue box.

The Princesses Peach and Daisy separated from Rosalina, causing Vader's respirator to go into overdrive. The two Princesses leaped into the air in turn, each stomping down upon Vader's helmeted head. The fake Sith Lord would spin after being stomped, his respirator releasing a comical sound effect like some holovideo game.

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Finally, when he was sufficiently damaged, Rosalina came in and delivered the crippling blow to the fraud Vader.

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Rosalina's wand eventually was too powerful for Vader's lightsaber, striking the fake Sith Lord down in a shower of star-like sparks.

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Luke Skywalker was leaning out the blue box doors when the Doctor, next to him, was heard saying, "That Darth Vader was the central nexus of the Supanova phenomenon, as he was struck down all the other characters will fade from existence. The Supanova will return again, but in what galaxy and what time period is anyone's guess..."

The three Princesses that defeated Vader leaped back into the Doctor's blue box with Luke Skywalker and it simply vanished from existence with a churning sound, fading away finally with all the other characters generated by the Supanova Force-phenomenon.

It was difficult to know if The Doctor and his blue box, the TARDIS, were in fact spawned by the Supanova phenomenon, or if he was actually a traveller in time, space, and dimensions? The whereabouts of Luke Skywalker are now unknown for he faded away with the Doctor.

It would be best if the Imperial Security Bureau was informed that this phenomenon, although it has been defeated, the anomaly could return to our galaxy again and we should be prepared for it.

This was a most unusual assignment for the Redback Garrison, My Lord, but we serve the real you without question whenever we are needed.

TK-4875 signing off…
YAY Hurrah I made the script. :P

Awesome report mate, and just like the movies, there was a long wait between each one. :P
Good stuff, mate!
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Science! Because figuring things out is better than making stuff up.

Awesome dude. Very enjoyable to read.
I still liked it. Good to see all the different photos.
Yay! Thank you Phoenix. Jig
Bunnies..... The cutest things ever!
I love these reports... thanks Phoenix!
[Image: SIG_zpsed128473.jpg]
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12
GCSN13 :DW13:

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