Totally new
Hi im Darren from Gold Coast, after seeing the 501st at the stormtrooper weekend at Dreamworld my goal is now to obtain a stormtrooper costume and join the 501st.

Im totally new to this so any and all help with getting started is appreciated Smile thanks!

If you can make it Buzzard is having a armour party tomorrow and you will be able to see different costumes in different stages of finished

Do you have a specific costume in mind?
DW2013 to DW2018
Welcome! Have you thought about which costume you'd like to build for yourself yet?
im wanting a Stormtrooper costume, the Empire Strikes Back one. But unfortunately i have to work tomorrow, which is a pitty since Jimboomba is pretty close to where i live!
Welcome Darren, if it's a Storm Trooper you're after I'd recommend heading over to (it's the storm trooper specific website), signing up and having a look at this thread for the various vetted armor makers :-
Another good idea is to check out the EIB/Centurion build threads as they list the height & weight of the trooper and give you a great idea of what the various brands of armor look like on certain body sizes.

Did you have a specific movie in mind (e.g. ANH Stunt or Hero, ESB, ROTJ), as that's the other decision you'll need to make.

Don't hesitate to sing out with any questions you have, we're a pretty friendly bunch.
Stormtroopers: instant recognition combined with complete anonymity
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12 GCSN13 :DW13:
Bugger damh real life getting in the way

In he mean time you will want to join the forum as well that's the stroomtrooper specific site
DW2013 to DW2018
I know, real life can be a pain at times! Also i have joined that forum aswel, they suggested joining this one too.
Hi and welcome, Empire Strikes Back or ESB is definatly the best one to have....LOL After all we actually did capture the rebels..(for a short while at least)
Stormtroopers...Unquestioned loyalty
Hi fellow Gold Coaster, Darren... Smile

Welcome to the Redback forums...

DW2012 BN12
GCSN13 :DW13:
welcome to the forums Smile
[Image: SIG_zpsed128473.jpg]
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12
GCSN13 :DW13:
[Image: ytpTSHu.png]

Science! Because figuring things out is better than making stuff up.

Welcome to the forums Darren.

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