Toowoomba COF
Date: 17th September

Venue: Toowoomba City Centre

Time: 11am-1-30pm

Mission: To bring a shock and awe event to the visitors of the carnival.

Trooper Attendance:
Tamsin - Aurra Sing
3 Phase - Tk and kids as Jawa's.
Apok - TD
Cobra - TKC
Moxxxie - TK
Ex Ed - TK
Major Payne - TB
Crypto - Jango fett
Azza - Janitor
Tachyon - TK
Jim Cricket - CT
Cutter - TK
Trinity - TB
Mini Gree - TC
Hawkeye - TK
Hoppy - TX
Agent of Chaos - TK

Guest Trooper Attendance: None

Support Crew: Jaggered, Trillia, Yub yub, Chris and Melissa (3 phase's mrs). Deltorn.


We all met at the church promptly and 10am'ish' so that was great. The weather was perfect, temp was perfect. I tell ya, these troops are getting easier. Things with the COF seem to be better organised every year and so are we. We only had to be on the line at 11.20 but we had time to cruise down and get all the cheers and photos pics BEFORE we even start and thats always good. They put us near the front this year! Nice.

The walk went without incident and I think the new guys were blown away by how many people actually turn up to these things. They said 100,000+ last year. I think it was about the same but Jac said she thought there was more. In any case....its alot of people.

The biggest hot fomr my point of view was the Jawa's. The great costumes done by Melissa were a real hit and stole the show!

The DJ's, per usual, stuffed up the thing they are supposed to say about the 501st. Bar 2 actually getting through the whole thing, the others just couldn't have been bothered. A couple really got into it, forgetting the script and add libbing how good star wars was "who likes stormtroopers?" getting the crowd going which was really good!

I'll follow this up though as I always get a "feedback" e-mail after these events.

After the walk back to the church, a pub lunch followed and all troopers were happy. An amazing day and a big thanks to all the troopers coming up to support a Tbar event. 3 Phase has now joined us so we now have a total of 6, with hopefully Hamish from CFM and Peter from ABC radio hopefully joining us in the next 12 months. Thank you all!

QUOTE OF THE DAY. From Crypto.....
Member of Public : "Hey Jango can I shake your hand? You are awesome!"
Crypto : "YES....I....AM!"

Only a Fett could get away with that! LOL! Seriously! We couldn't stop laughing!

Charity Funds Raised: None.


Some slight pinching with hawkeye and myself but none others to report. Other than Deltorn! He was injured , on crutches, and still did the walk! onyaman!

Rick didn't get the steak he ordered...does that count? He was pretty cut! Wink

Malfunctions: None.

Public Incidents: Only the looks of the people when they saw our little Jawa's (Emily, Brianna and Zander)! ohhhhhhhh......

Mission Status: Brilliant!

Photos: Yub yub's already put them up.
Had a great day and canâ€t wait for next year if were in it again. Melissa said she will be ready then as well.
Will say my crotch strap glue went before the troop even started so I was I bit worried I might finish the walk with nothing left on.
When I got home I noticed the ab plate strapping was just about to let go as well so I will have to redo all my straps.
Also I see now why there are wranglers as they did a great job, thanks.
Yep had a great time...thanks again Neo.
Stormtroopers...Unquestioned loyalty
Great report Neo Wink. and was an awesome day.
Great report...Excellent work everyone especially the kids...hopefully I can make it next year
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Link to the photos if people are too lazy to go to the other thread etc
~ Because overkill is never enough ~

Stuff I do...
- Stormtrooper
- Imperial Officer
- Photographer (Canon EOS 7D)
- Paramedic (NSW Ambulance)
Awesome troop guys, great to be a part of it!!!
Great report Neo, fast to I might add.
Well done to everyone involved & glad I made it in the end.

Aye 3phase big shout out to our unsung heroes, wrangles.

[Image: SigII.jpg]
"There is no hunting like the hunting of a man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter".
Ernest Hemingway
Nice one Neo.

Big thanks for organizing this troop again this year. This is one troop I enjoy and will keep coming back for.

Big kudos to your Dad as well for the use of the church rooms. Doppeldaumen1
Yeah I better thank my dad too. Nice to know all our gear is locked up while we're away. The church is nice and handy too! I better book it in again for next year!

I forgot about the 3 phase strap. Make sure you rough up the armor before glueing! It might have been to "new".

Real democracy is not something that can be palmed off with a click of a mouse once a year, a crossed box and crossed fingers.

Democracy is for life, not just elections.

I survived Dreamworld 2010DW2011DW2012DW2013DW2014DW2015
Had a great time again this year, thanks guys!
Love it!

This is one of the highlights of the trooping calendar!~

Is it too early to RSVP for 2012?
I survived Dreamworld 2010CVI
Never too early, you are booked in already for next year! Thanks to all involved, I know that I don't get to attend many troops and aren't very active on the forum, but it's days like Saturday that make me proud to be part of such an awesome group. I really enjoyed catching up with you all!
Great Troop guys and top notch report, hope to there next year.

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