Troop Report - 4KQ Variety Special Children's Christmas Party
Great report, Rick.

Fantastic work Redbacks, the kids and adults love the 501st!

I'm not writing another reflection for this as it gets a little too much, so I'm copy/pasting the one I made earlier on Facebook here.

This Event really does show the very reasons most of us joined the 501st and shows what we do in action and the positive effect it has.



Reflective - 4KQ Variety Special Needs Children's Christmas Party.

It has taken me over a day to process this event. Firstly, the energy present at this event was phenomenal, the positivity shone from each and every individual there. We were all there with a purpose, to give those in need - children and families - a day they wouldn't soon forget.

I went as Spider-man over being Stormtrooper Commander Phoenix as many of my Brothers and Sisters of the 501st Legion would already have troopers in place and the Drawn 2 Life group could have one more Superhero that appealed from anyone 0 to infinity years old.

I'm known for needing a mask sometimes. I feel for the people we deal with sometimes, really feel. The children yell out "It's Spider-man!" and come over for hugs and photos and the ambivalence in me is torn between asking the question of why this child deserved to be afflicted this way and why I'm so happy that this small amount of time I give up has just made this a day they'll remember forever.

One boy was so excited that when I lent down to his wheelchair, he flailed with his fingers and arms. He actually caught the webbing on the Spider-suit to which his parents tried to stop him but I said "It's OK, I can fix anything," and he did actually break one of the black legs on the chest Spider-symbol - such a small price to pay for the joy that boy was experiencing having Spider-man spend time with him.

There was one boy I will never forget. His Mother said "It's Spider-man," and he reached towards me to which I replied "Would you like a photo?" His Mother said he was, "Blind, he just wants to be near you." so I leant down and said, "I can do something better than a photo then," and touched his reaching hands. He immediately followed all the webbing up my arm, along my shoulder and touched the mask and eyes. I said to the Mother, "All the webbing is 3-dimensional." Both Mother and child were elated with happiness, that blind child was able to see Spider-man in the only way he knows how, and I almost cried to be sharing that experience.

This was such a life-changing and life-giving event. Myself and all those I worked with from Drawn 2 Life and the 501st Legion really touched the hearts of the people we interacted with. I'll never be the same again, just as I know those that attended will also never be the same again.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Troop Report - 4KQ Variety Special Children's Christmas Party - by Phoenix - Tuesday 4-Dec-2012, 10:38 AM

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