Bundaberg QLD
Hi All,  Looking to put together a ANH Hero Stormtrooper costume and hopefully bring my Son (and maybe my grandson) into their own costumes as well.  Where do start in terms of sourcing a costume?

I watched the original Ep IV at a drive-in threater back in the 70's and have been a fan ever since.  I introduced my Son to the franchise and he is now in his late 20's and a massive Star Wars nerd. Way beyond my level of nerdness  Hehehe

I'm located in Bundaberg QLD.
Hi Direwolf,

Welcome to the Redback Garrison forum. The best place for you to start on your Stormtrooper journey is at http://whitearmor.net/forum/

That is the detachment forum for the 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment (FISD). You will find all the vetted vendors there as well as help on how to put kits together etc. Be sure to introduce yourself on there. and read the "Getting Started - Read this First" thread.

The FISD leader is a member of our Garrison and I am sure he will reply here when he can to offer further advice.

We do have a few members up around your area that can also likely help you get started.
Shawn Truesdell - Satel - SL/ID/TI/IC - 88668
Hi there and welcome to the Redback forums.
Shawn has given you the link to the biggest resource for Stormtrooper costuming in the galaxy.
There is a lot of research ahead of you but Whitearmor has loads of helpful members ready to get you on your journey.
Once signed up, head to the New Member introductions section and say G'day. Then head over to the Getting started section, that's where you will find vetted sellers lists, how-to guides, and a lot of other useful information.
Great to see another Queenslander looking to become a member of the 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment. (FISD)
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

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[Image: Eu2xjUD.png]
Thanks Guys. Looks like a bit of reading ahead
G’day Direwolf
Welcome to the Redbacks. I’m just down the road in Hervey Bay. Might catch up at a troop sometime Smile
[Image: VXgDbT3.jpg]
Welcome to the forums, you will definitely have plenty of reading ahead of you .

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