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7th July 2012
Brookfield Uniting Church
Surprise Angus and his party guests
Trooper Attendance:
Guest Trooper Attendance:
Support Crew:
Phantom arrived at the locale at just before 1pm after making himself know to those pimping out the church hall I returned to my transport and awaited the arrival of fellow troopers. I was soon met by Stormraven who just finished a combat training session. Muppet followed soon after then the final reinforcements arrived in the form of Buzzard and Lei.
We where then given the key to a local place of worship. Worried about Jedi presence we secured the venue, no rebels where to be found. The host then supplied us with a plate of food which was furiously devoured by hungry troopers....Muppet couldn't help himself trying to blame others, such is the want of a Sith Lord. Just a word of warning don't let Muppet near your camera
[Image: 2012-07-07140053.jpg]
We got out of civilian attire and suited up, then Lord Vader proceeded to give a sermon on Sith values.
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We got the call that all guests had arrived and it was go time. We moved from our hidden location to the all where all we could hear was the excited sounds of younglings
[Image: 2012-07-07141856.jpg]
All kids were excited to see us as where the parents of course. Most of the kids all had star wars costumes and young Angus was in his Anikin costume scar and all. Lord Vader presented the birthday boy with a gift...he must be getting soft. Angus was also given a RBG patch, lapel pin and some tatts.
[Image: 2012-07-07142314.jpg]
The kids all had fun poking proding and generally talking to us and getting loads of photos. Vader met some young Vaders and they relished the fact to meet the Dark Lord himself.
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It wasn't just the kids who loved Vader....
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After some group photos with the kids they left us so mums and dads could get some pics.
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I think we might have found one of those droids....
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So after a frenzied hour we called it quits, moved back to the church de-armoured and we parted ways with Muppet and the rest of the crew came back to my place to meet a new recruit.

Charity Funds Raised:
$250 for Cancer Council
Muppets voice changer had the mic plugged in the wrong port, punishment was swift to the officer.
Public Incidents:
What you would expect from a room of 6 year olds hopped up on sugar, but a serious wave of the finger and all poking, proding and pulling ceased.
Mission Status:
Complete success happy kids happy parents. Cards and fliers handed out to some parents so maybe some more troops might come of it.
Big thanks to Muppet for coming along.
What a heart-warming Troop! Well done, Team!
You guys ROCK !!!! sorry I couldn't come and help, I had to work and it was Roccos birthday.
Peace and love from scope
great work everyone!
Happy to help out at the last minute, but would have thought with close to 100 members, more troopers may have been available to attend Wink
Awesome job guys Peace Lots of happy younglings!!
Looks like it was a huge success...well done guys!!!
Excellent work guys. Sorry Shan and I had to pull out of this one.
Charity funds raised $250 to Cancer Council