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Full Version: needing help :(
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Hey guy's I'm new to this!, and I've been itching to join the 501st for year now... I want to be a sand trooper but I was hoping to source the plain armor myself , ive seen how people make there own armor by melting it but is there any way possible I could pay someone to do it for me?, and I will dirty it up for the sand trooper look, I've been adding a few other things to my bucket list aswell wich is getting a Pauldron etc, I hope someone can help me? :/
Hi Kai

there is no need to make your own armour, as it is available from reputable vendors in kit form.
You do do however need to assemble it so it fits your body type MEPD is the detachment where you can do all the research and ask questions on how to get armour. please see the link below
Also FISD for all things shiny Stormtrooper, see link below

I am sure Phantom will chime in shortly with more info on costume references etc, but you have come to the right place as a base, and for local support.
Good luck on this awesome journey you have embarked on, and starp yourself in for the ride of your life.

oopps, nothing like a double post He he he he.
I can't quite put my finger on it , but I'm sure ive seen this post before!! Hehehe
I was just thinking the same thing, spooky!