Wynnum Wonders Barefoot Bowls
Troop Report 
Date: Sunday 21st July, 2013

Venue: Wynnum Manly Leagues Bowls

Time: 11am - 2pm

Mission: To raise money for Women Cancers RBWH & QIMR

Trooper Attendance: Chopper- IC, Muppet- TK, Phantom - BH, Rubber - TD,
RL- Jeadus Teal- Jedi, Gene E-di- Jedi

Guest Trooper Attendance: Duck & Tanna

Support Crew: Duck & Tanna, Mitch and Declan

Detail: You couldn't have asked for a better day. The weather gods had turned the sun shine on for us, and with Moreton Bay as a background, you have perfect trooping conditions.[Image: th_DSC08081.jpg]
Troopers arrived on scene around 11am just before the punters began arriving. It was decided to armour up and show the locals the awesomeness of the Legion's finest. We were soon joined by a couple of Jedi, that must have used some mind trick on us, because we let them live.[Image: th_DSC08091.jpg]
It was a little quiet, and after photos were taken with the civilians, we watched some of them bowl a few lawn bowls on the green. Seemed simple enough, bowl a black ball down the length of the green and get it as close as possible to the little white ball called Jack or Kitty.
Troopers were asked to remove their foot wear before treading on the green, except Boba. He politely declined and no one was going to argue with him.[Image: th_DSC08130.jpg][Image: th_DSC08126.jpg]
More jedi mind tricks were employed by the cheating Jedi, as none of our balls would go near the Jack, they would either turn to the right or the left.
It took the quick thinking Boba to work out, that the balls were biased and we were back on target.
The Jedi were no match for the Imperials.[Image: th_DSC08112.jpg]
The aroma of the bbq, was too strong to ignore, so lunch was taken. Then more balls were bowled. After many ends it was decided our mission was complete and our job was done. Troopers de-armoured and rehydrated.

Charity Funds Raised: Just shy of $2000

Injuries: The lawn greens Wink with some freshly created divots [Image: th_DSC08184.jpg]

Malfunctions: 1 TK hand plate flew off whilst a drive was being attempted.

Public Incidents: nill

Mission Status: Successfully. Wasnt a huge crowd, but still plenty came and supported the day. Big thankyou to Lisa for entertaining the crowd with her dance ( we wont mention the FB update regarding how well your "bowels" are Wink ), and all troopers for coming down. Really appreciated.

Photos: http://s45.photobucket.com/user/501qld/l...t=4&page=4

RL photos

[Image: th_DSC08161.jpg][Image: th_DSC08167.jpg][Image: th_DSC08153.jpg][Image: th_DSC08099.jpg][Image: th_DSC08103.jpg][Image: th_DSC08137.jpg]
Big thank you to all that attended this casual but fun troop!
Love you guys xxxx
(And yes I'm so ready for bed since I've been awake since 4am for a work shift before the troop)
roll on Redbacks! Td
.... It's alright for you to judge me,
sitting up there in your airconditioned battle Cruiser!...

[Image: bfb80cfde9949491.png]
Nice work and a great amount for a awesome cause.
Stormtroopers: instant recognition combined with complete anonymity
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12 GCSN13 :DW13:
Great day out and great company.
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

WHOOHOO just shy of $2000! Fabulous! This was a fun troop and an awesome end to an already fantastic weekend. Weather was perfect and my Bowels are fine thank you Smile thank you to the Bowls club and Tannah for having us Smile
Awesome work!
[Image: ytpTSHu.png]

Science! Because figuring things out is better than making stuff up.

great work Tanya and Muppet Smile and all who attended of course
DW2012 TO DW2015
BN11 TO BN14


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