The Dark Side is with me
Hello. I have been looking into the 501st for some time. I caught up with a few members at Armageddon in Melbourne this weekend. I have experienced the mentality of group organizations as a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity in college. Your cause and your members truly bring joy to the public in more ways than one. I hope to be a part of this one day. I grew up in Yuma Arizona USA. Famous among other things for being the location for Return of the Jedi sand dune and desert scenes. So in essence I was born on Tatooine. I ride a speeder bike so my heart lies with becoming a biker scout. I am 6'4" so I think I would make an ominous Darth Vader. So I would love some initial tips to get my gear together. There are some good basics online for the helmet and elecyronic prop bits. For the rest though I hope to make myself. Thanks
Welcome to the family... but by the sounds of it you want the Terror Australis Garrison which covers Victoria (among other places) as the Redbacks cover Queensland
DW2013 to DW2018
No worries. They don't seem to have a forum though unless you become an official member after your costume is approved. I am just starting.
You can sign up without being a 501st member. Just leave those fields empty.
Hey mate,
I was down at Armageddon myself on the weekend and might have met you at some stage.
But the others are right, you'll need to join TAG's forums and introduce yourself in their new recruit section.
Also if your going to be doing a biker then you'll want to join up at

I hope you got some photos with the guys at Armageddon as well.
[Image: forumsig3.jpg]

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