Fairview Heights May the 4th be with you day
Troop Report 
4th May 2016

Fairview Heights State School, Toowoomba.


To add some fun and Imperial awesomeness to the school's May 4th Dress Up Day.

Trooper Attendance:
RBG: 90579 - Scotty33 - TK
33827 - Bolt_2112 - TK

Support Crew / Guest Trooper Attendance:
School staff, plus Scotty33's wife.

Bolt arrived at Scotty33s house right on time, and we headed over to the school for recon. Upon arrival it was evident that the place was full of scavengers from Jakku, they had all gone to a lot of effort, particularly when it came to their hair, they all looked fantastic! Our early fears of being outnumbered were allayed sometime later when we realised the sheer force of shiny white TKs the school had been building. More on that later.

[Image: IMG_5841_zpsqbqsulms.jpg]

Once school had started, we moved quickly from classroom to classroom, subduing enemy fighters. The kids responded really well to us moving quickly into their classrooms, and the teachers were certainly on board for having some fun!
[Image: IMG_5814_zps3pobxrnw.jpg]

We quickly secured the vice-principal, who has been known for promoting fun and frivolty.
[Image: IMG_5592_zpsgvtmyqjj.jpg]

One rebel sympathiser fought back!
[Image: IMG_5628_zpscom75eoq.jpg]

As the day was run by the library, we made reading a focus, particularly for the younger classes.
[Image: IMG_5687_zpskzww2q60.jpg]

Bolt got happy when we found the best page in the book!
[Image: IMG_5689_zps2tazmf8k.jpg]

We also tested some of the teacher's reading abilities.
[Image: IMG_5744_zpsjgp7zf2m.jpg]

In other news, we stumbled across Rey and Kylo Ren engaged in battle.
[Image: IMG_5797_zps6meqpymp.jpg]

Amassed an army of TKs.
[Image: IMG_5766_edit_zpswrf1hnws.jpg]

Took over the dental van! (I don't think they really knew what to make of us)
[Image: IMG_5837_zpsuz5xisez.jpg]

Under some duress, we were happy to help the office ladies. (They loved us!)
[Image: IMG_5713_zpsvzm7b4fy.jpg]

Tried out for the Mos Eisley Cantina band.
[Image: IMG_5818_zpstmsls6wu.jpg]

Searched the main computer for the Death Star plans (they weren't in there).
[Image: IMG_5707_zpsfuatrbu7.jpg]

And, just generally, we were awesome.
[Image: IMG_5765_edit_zpspwbhgffw.jpg]

Edit: forgot to mention, we also solved the mystery of Rey's parents....turns out it's me.
[Image: IMG_5806_zpslojusbul.jpg]

This was a fantastic troop, even though the rough idea in our heads didn't quite happen. We managed to visit every class (but possibly we might have missed one, still not sure about that). The kids were all really well behaved, and it was really encouraging to see the teachers dressing up, happy to be arrested and handcuffed and being very welcoming to us interrupting their lessons.
The idea of a 'lunchtime patrol' with the 30 or so kids that we thought might dress up didn't happen when there were well over 100 costumed kids gathered outside the library. Instead we did group shots like the TK one above.

The library teacher was stoked with our efforts and we are already discussing ways to improve on it next year. Most importantly, the principal was happy and even mentioned us at parade in the afternoon.
Rest assured, the future of Star Wars is in good hands with these younglings!

Big thanks to Bolt for coming and putting in a solid 4 hour troop!

Charity Funds Raised:
Due to some other recent fundraisers and the Mothers Day stall this week, no funds were asked for, they are looking at a gold coin donation for next year.

Injuries / Malfunctions:
From one certain camera angle with my arm in a certain position, some of a label on my undersuit is visible. Didn't realise this until looking at the photos, it will be fixed by Dreamworld.

Public Incidents:
I think I hit a girl in the head with my blaster (not hard), and one boy hid under the table, apart from that all good.

Mission Status:
FNG  DW2018  Bobafett  DW2016 DW2017 SN17
Terrific photos, terrific troop!
You've taken your first step into a larger world.

The droid.. stole a freighter?

Looks like everyone involved had fun. Good job guys Smile
Great report Scotty!! It was a solid troop and we were definitely outnumbered!! This is what it's all about, putting smiles on young (and old!) faces Smile
[Image: 53635972792_7031aa3c80_z.jpg]
Wow looks awesome well done!
Looks like you guys had a great time with the kids.
GCSN16 >> GCSN18  
DW2016 >> DW2018
OCC2015 >> OCC18
BN15 >> SN18
Fantastic work guys. Doppeldaumen1
GCSN16 >> GCSN19
DW2015 >> DW2018
OCC2015 >> OCC18  
BN15 >> SN18
Awesome troop guys. Congrats on a job well done.
Love your work guys, looks like the day went off in an epic way!
"Perhaps I didn't make myself clear, I said supper is ready!"
DW2015 -> DW2018
OCC2015 -> OCC19
BN15 -> SN19
GCSN16 ->  GCSN19
Great work. One of the guys I work with has a friend who's a teacher there and he was excited about showing me her photos.
[Image: aIWrVx8.gif]
Well done guys,great work, will try to organise some time off for next year.
Stormtroopers...Unquestioned loyalty
Awesome pics. Doppeldaumen1
Bunnies..... The cutest things ever!

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Troop Report 2017 - Fairview Heights Star Wars Day Scotty33 6 9,877 Saturday 6-May-2017, 10:28 PM
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