LACED Adidas Launch
Troop Report 
Troop Report: Laced Adidas Launch

Venue: Laced, Adelaide St, Brisbane.

Time: 1800hrs – 2100hrs

Mission: Provide security detail for the launch of the latest Star Wars product.

Trooper Attendance:

SL Kev Vader
TD Dredd
TI –Rents-
TK Goose
TK Moxxxie
TK The Scotsman

Support Crew:

Recruit Tirilia

Mission Detail:

So, with the Redback Garrison freshly popped out of its blister pack our very first troop is for the launch of officially licensed Star Wars products.

Arriving at Laced, there are stairs, stairs and more stairs. But we were treated like royalty with a massive change-room, lounge chairs, pizza and liquid refreshment.

Once armoured up, we posed for our first official Garrison photo, and it was downstairs to meet our adoring public.

The venue was small and it was quite packed, nevertheless we were able to move among the guests and pose for countless photographs. Two troopers were dispatched to guard the main entry and were instantly set upon by scantily dressed women.

TK Moxxxie strove to earn her ‘Trooping Without A Really Important Piece Of Armour†merit patch, by trying to hide under Vaderâ€s cape for most of the night.

The night was soon over, and our intrepid TI –Rents- bravely eliminated any of the remaining beer and pizza that he thought could be harbouring Rebel Sympathies Hehehe

Injuries: Moxxxieâ€s pride; and The Scotsman took a crack to the head, but no damage sustained.

Public Incidents: TK Goose and TD Dredd were waylaid by a couple of loons with plastic sabers. Dredd cunning disarmed one of them and Recruit Tirilia, our intrepid first-time wrangler, actually captured the moment on camera!

Malfunctions: Lord Vaderâ€s comm system was temporarily overloaded by the level of background noise and had to be manually deactivated.

Happy People: All, except the loons,

Not Happy People: Loons, and all within earshot of the ShamWow Suggestion!

Mission Status: The First Official Redback Garrison Troop was a complete success! And a big thank-you to Cadet Tirilia on her first troop as Support crew and for tolerating the diva antics of Lord Vader - More water, MORE water!!

Great work guysm "Dredd cunning disarmed one of them and Recruit Tirilia, our intrepid first-time wrangler, actually captured the moment on camera! " Well done Liz, this could be used on the Redbacks OH&S video to show recruits what to be on the lookout for.
LOL great report Kev, I needed a laugh first thing monday morning!

woah I got that photo?

we should have a wall of shame or something and blur out faces..
wait a minute, you guys had a massive change-room, lounge chairs, pizza and liquid refreshment....... are you sure you were on a troop and not just having a night out Smile
great work guys and grats on your first troop Tirilia
Economical Assault Trooper
Link here to the laced newsletter...great piccies!
"Rumours and slander are the currency of narrow minded fools, yet truth, though often unpalatable, is the greatest reward known to man"
I was really happy and proud to have been able to make it to our first Troop as a Garrison.

A lot of things had to fall into place for me on the night to be there. I'm very grateful.

[Image: IMG_1308Medium.jpg]
Kev Vader - So........ Scotty....... When will the patches be here?
The Scotsman - Soon, My Lord. Very soon.
Real democracy is not something that can be palmed off with a click of a mouse once a year, a crossed box and crossed fingers.

Democracy is for life, not just elections.

I survived Dreamworld 2010DW2011DW2012DW2013DW2014DW2015
Awesome report, Boss.

Do I get that merit badge? I think I did an amazing job of holding my arm behind my back the whole damn night! I felt like a right gumby.
I survived Dreamworld 2010CVI
Did anyone notice Moxxxie's slight of hand,...I mean arm?

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