17/03/2012 - Leukaemia Foundation Shave - Riverlink
17th March 2012

Riverlink Shopping Center Ipswich

0900 - 1130

To help raise funds and public interest to the WORLDS GREATEST SHAVE at Riverlink shopping center in Ipswich.

Trooper Attendance:
Phantom - TK
Muppet - Vader
Cutter - TK

Tirilia - Jedi
Hopfot - Rebel Fleet Trooper

Guest Trooper Attendance:
Muppet Jawas
Phantom Jawa

Support Crew:


Once again a call was made to awesome and excellent Hoppy TX4881. Unfortunately it ended up in the hands of his bungling cousin Rebel Trooper Ensign Hopfot Soondead and never made it to the all so awesome Spec Ops trooper.

The call was for aide in helping out the folks of the Leukaemia Foundation in raising funds and interest for there "GALAXYS (WORLDS) GREATEST SHAVE". An event that was also brought to the attention of Imperial Forces and as would be found out, it also seems it attracted the attention of Lord Vader Himself. So too ensure a victory for themselves the Rebels found it in their best interest to dispatch a Jedi Master. And there is no Jedi Master better in the region, than Qin Sri. Stowing away once again on an unsuspecting and dimwitted stormtrooper's transport she made her way too the Riverlink Center.

Lord Vader had already arrived and was taking the ground with 2 Stormtroopers escorting him through the center, one of which was seen holding a tin to collect Imperial Credits for to win over the support of the Leukaemia Foundation. The Jedi Qin and Ensign Hopfot Soondead as her only backup, with a new hope moved to successfully take the tin away from the Imperials and have it filled with a substantial amount of New Republic Credits to aide and gain the trust of the Leukaemia Foundation for the Rebel Legion.

Successful in there mission to obtain the tin the 2 Rebels began to collect even more funds than the Imperials. However in the Empire's strike back the Rebel Ensign was slang by Lord Vader. [Image: 101_0463.jpg]Sacrificing himself to allow the Jedi Master victory, truth be told he just got in the way so Vader killed him. It was not over yet though, the Empire had one last trick. They requested the return of the Jedi with them to the Greatest Shave stand where a race would commence of hair colouring and shaving. However, with Vader never removing his helmet and Qin Sri being an alien that relies on her fur for warmth, each had someone else stand in for them. Thus Muppet of the 501st legion had his head shaved and Tirilia of the Rebel Legion had her's coloured.[Image: 101_0505.jpg][Image: 101_0507.jpg]

Despite the Empire finishing first and donating an extra $150 collected at a previous mission last Saturday, the Leukemia Foundation vowed to remain neutral in the Galactic Civil War but continue to request aid from both sides of the force in the foreseeable future.

Taking this small victory both sides parted ways and left the battlefield.
[Image: 101_0522.jpg]

Muppet and Tirilia's Hair


Public Incidents:

Mission Status:
Total Amount Raised in Tin: $293.35
Plus Tirilia raised: $162 for having her hair coloured.



It was great to see you guys there. You gave more hype to the event. Once again the fans and the kids just loved you. Wonderfully successful and you greatly impressed the local councillors and organisers of the event. WEll done.
Was a great troop :D One of my favorites!

I rather like the blue and purple XD
[Image: jImnAK.jpg]
It did look very good Tiri, as you know I was just being a meany. Should've had my hair colourd blue, then I could've been a Blue Meany. :P

(Saturday 17-Mar-2012, 03:19 PM)Thrawn70 Wrote:  It was great to see you guys there. You gave more hype to the event. Once again the fans and the kids just loved you. Wonderfully successful and you greatly impressed the local councillors and organisers of the event. WEll done.

Was good to see you mate. Wink
Sorry I couldn't remember who you were, I was thinking "I know that guy walking next to Phantom..... who is he again?"
Have uploaded the few pics Tanya took, [Image: IMG_0072.jpg]

Thanks Hop for take lead on this, was fun to troop with a great bunch of guys and gals. [Image: IMG_1912.jpg]
I do have to say, that i have noticed a drop in ambient temperature after the cut Cheeky And there is video footage of Phantom cutting my hair [Image: IMG_0081.jpg]
That's one of the many reason why I shave my head. It's much cooler. Doppeldaumen1
Well done guy's & girls, another job well done.
Stormtroopers: instant recognition combined with complete anonymity
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12 GCSN13 :DW13:
Now bring on the NIGHTMARES
[Image: IMG_0531.jpg]
Great fun today.
Pics uploaded and a video as well
Good to see you again David
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Looks like it was a fun troop, Sorry I couldn't make it. Congrats guys.
I survived Dreamworld 2010
Awesome Job guys. Love the new hair cut Muppet... excellent to see you go through with it!
Cheers, Todd "Voyd" TK6086 - Shiny all the way.
[Image: a6c60a375dc66e13.png]
You were deceived and now your Republic shall fall!
:GCSN12: DW2012
Awesome troop, Team.

Muppet looked so ready for a haircut.
Lord Vader was pleased with the results?

Great report Hoppy! Peace
I've just had a second read-through and found some hidden details in the report that I at first thought were coincidental until seeing the third.

Did anyone notice Hoppy's use of three titles?

A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi

Well done Hop, not only was it a two sided report but also played on an extra level of comprehension. It's the report that just keeps giving! Doppeldaumen1
Hurrah Jig

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