Troop Report - MX Magazine photo shoot for DW2013 at DW
Troop Report 
Date: 19th of April 2013

Venue Address: Dreamworld

Time: Be there at 0900 for a 0930 shoot.

Mission: A very quickly put together troop to have a photo shoot for the MX Magazine.

Trooper Attendance:

Apok - TD
Azreal - TK
Mortogg - Clone
Cutter - Clone
Bullant - TK
Deimos - TR
Oigen - TK

Support Crew:


Detail: Urgent transmission sent that the Redbacks are needed for a photo shoot. Knowing we could do it the call was put out and troopers replied (yes we are all there for the photo shoots Cheeky ).

The team assembled nice and early and Apok arrived 5 minutes late due to Rebel Scum playing havoc with the traffic (well that is my excuse anyways).

Keen as mustard we headed up to the DW Board Room to plan our attack and get changed whilst we waited for the photographer. Upon his arrival it was off to the front gate to get the photos needed to increase the propoganda for the Empire.

Once at the front gate a child was chosen to have the honour to be the face of DW2013 with the awesomeness that we are here in Redbackland. Many phoots were taken and in the end the kid had had enough and we finished with idea. After a few pics with the public it was insdie to figure out what we were to do next for a picture (DW was just winging it again).

Eventually it was decided that we would stand on the Wipeout. Again we had to wait for a bit for DW to sort out the logisitcs so more photos were taken with the public and also some nice goofy ones for our own amusement. Once we were allowed to enter the Wipeout we stood in the middle and took some very cool shots. Fun was had by all.

Then it was back to the change rooms (taking photos with the public the whole time we walked back...and some embarassing footage of a couple of troopers skippin and holding hands......SKIPPING!!!!!) A quick change and it was off to various places to prepare for the rest of the troops the weekend had to offer.

Charity Funds Raised: Nil. Photo shoot for MX Magazine to promote DW2013 in the 1st of May edition.

Injuries: None that I am aware of.

Malfunctions: None that I am aware of.

Public Incidents: Some very excited people may have peed themselves with excitement, but I cannot confirm that.

Mission Status: Complete success. It is amazing the prescence of us just creates a positive vibe where ever we go. Many guests got some pics they thought they would never have seen.

Photos: Awaiting transmission from DW and MX magazine with images.
Sounds like it was so much fun@!
This was a fun troop. Thanks Apok.

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