Troop Report -Red Cross - Hospital Troop, Gold Coast - 29 December 2012
Troop Report 
Date: December 29th 2012

Venue: Red Cross Blood Bank Southport and various parts of the hospital including the kids ward, emergency dept and the catering dept.

Time: 9.30 am to 1.00pm

Mission: Primarily we were there to take some footage for the Club Red program the Red Cross have. We will be putting together a short promo video for the Club Red official release in Feb 2013.

We also went into the hospital to say hi to the kids in the childrens ward. Luckily there weren't that many there, but the ones that were didn't really know how to take us. The dads that were there we very impressed.

Trooper Attendance:



At 8.35am I arrived at Chiefs place to pick him up for the troop. I was meant to be there at 8.50am. Whoops. Needless to say in five minutes he had said bye to the wife and family and off to make sure all the troopers knew where the drop off point was.

Arriving at 9am we were even early for Samantha the PR guru for the Red Cross to be there. Worried about a rebel attack we breathed a sigh of relief when 3 minutes later Oigen (scourge of the RL) arrived trundling down the street with his partner in crime and Troopers Trooper, the king of the Garage Door openings Phoenix! With these two in attendance not a rebel was to be seen for parsecs. From then on there was a steady stream of troopers arriving to gear up and get ready to have some fun.

9.15am Sammy arrived and we were lead to the change area where the very welcome air con was turned on and we all started kitting up. A phone call from Hoon stating his transport was running late let us relax until the tardy trooper made his way to the landing zone.

With all troopers accounted for and kitted up it was off for some PR shots and video footage at the Blood Bank. After hamming it up for the cameras (something we are not very good at here at the Redbacks...yeah right) we headed up to the Childrens ward. Along the way we had to wait for the Head Nurse to make her way down to reception to allow us to head up. Whilst waiting in the reception area many pics were taken but staff and patients alike. Many Imperial citizens were very impressed.

As the Head Nurse arrived the catering dept asked if we could head down to visit them first. Not ones to pass up being near food we all piled into the elevator. Many stupid tunes were hummed as we went down to the engine room of the hospital. The entire catering dpet came out and got photos. Unfortunately no food was procured at that time. Rolleyes

Then it was onwards and upwards to the childrens ward. There were not may kids up there but some of the staff and dads were very happy to see us. Photos were taken and temporary tattoos were handed out. Smiles were made and the mission a success, but not over. Upon hearing of our awesomeness the emergency dept and Area 2 both wanted to see us as well.

So off we tottled back down the elevators again (cue more humming) and visited the ED and Area 2. Many more smiles and photos were taken and this Magma trooper couldn't help giving medical advice to a grandad covered in wires and tubes. He said the doctor had told him that he couldn't have any beers for quite awhile. TX3409 gave him full permission to have a beer or three. Laughter was had but I think he will listen to the doctor. Sheez!!!!

Then it was off to de-armour and donate blood.

Apok - plasma
Chief - whole blood
Redpaint - whole blood
Oigen - whole blood

Deimos and J'Girl both got up on the gurney but were told they couldn't donate. J'Girl even had the needle in her arm for 10 minutes before they decided it wasn't going to work (now that is giving it a go!). Phoenix, Bullant and Kattak all were told no due to various reasons and Hoon had donated on Monday.

Overall though we were very welcome as we doubled the donations on a very quiet day for the Blood Bank.

Our tally stands at this (see link). This will be updated with the new donations on Monday. It should read 8 donations for the month.

After that all troopers dispersed to many parts of our area for various family events.

Charity Funds Raised: PR mission so no funds raised. Unless you count the blood donations as donations. Don't know how we would put that on the thermometer though Hehehe

Injuries: 5 needle stick injuries to 5 troopers. All will recover fluids lost.

Malfunctions: Nil.

Public Incidents: Nothing other than a lot of people beeping their horns as we walked down the road to the hospital.

Mission Status: Complete success for footage and PR for the red Cross. Many smiles for the Empire gained from the staff and people at the hospital.

Photos: More to come but these are some of the goodies from J'Girl.

Donating blood like good troopers.

Everybody needs a milkshake after donating.

I think the TB's are a little worried...or not that bright.

In the lobby with Samantha Clifton (PR for the GC Red Cross).

How many troopers can you fit in an elevator?

This was a great effort everyone and I hope more people will be able to take the time to donate. Head to this thread (see link)

Join Club Red and help the Redbacks beat it's 2012 record.

Heads up to Toowoomba, Brisbane, Rocky and Townsville troopers. In the next couple of weeks we will be trying to get troops in your areas as well so we can get some footage together to make the Club Red PR video. Anyone in those areas that would like to POC their area please PM asap. I will contacting people in the areas over the next couple of days. Yuo don't need to donate just get some footage. Although donating will be good as well.

Apok signing off.
Nice report APOK,

Good fun troop as well.

Some people at my nephews birthday that we went after said that they had seen some stormtroopers on their way down the coast, small world.

Can't wait to see any photos as well.
[Image: forumsig3.jpg]
great job troopers
DW2012 TO DW2015
BN11 TO BN14

It was a really great troop,
I was a little upset that I couldn't donate that day (due to having anxiety attacks that morning it made my heart rate go a little to high for there liking) and then even a little more upset that my visor snapped Sad
Really looking forward to the next one, It is a really good troop. Even if I didnt donate just knowing that from the 4 donations that 12 peoples lives will be saved from it.
Well done troopers.
Nice work Troopers.
Stormtroopers: instant recognition combined with complete anonymity
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12 GCSN13 :DW13:
(Sunday 30-Dec-2012, 10:02 PM)Deimos Wrote:  I was a little upset that I couldn't donate that day

I'm with you on that one Deimos. My veins are too small, in the time it took for Oigen to get set up, donate (the required 470ml) and recover ..... they only managed to get 60ml from me (and I had heat packs on my arm to help as well). So sadly that means I am not suitable to donate. But will try and help in other ways.

On the upside though, it was great to participate in promoting the blood bank and also to see the happy faces of the patients, visitors and staff at the hospital.

Great troop report APOK and thanks for organising too :-)
Awesome work guys and girls.
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

First post updated with photos.
Always a pleasure to bleed for the empire. Plus running around at work in my tk is always fun
I SURVIVED THE HOTDOG CHALLENGE: TIME TO BEAT 13 MINUTES 19 SECONDS[Image: tumblr_l2ck3iffPx1qc073co1_400.gif]
Great work yet again!!!

Darth "I find your lack of pants disturbing."
Top Job everyone
I survived Dreamworld 2010
Great work, wish I could of joined in for this troop and help roll up a sleeve. Next time Smile

Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu. "They were the wrath of the warrior's shadow and the Gauntlet of the Republic"

[Image: sig1.jpg]
Terrific work , looking forward to more in 2013 .
Just a bit of an update from Samantha the PR guru for the Red Cross Blood Bank.

Hi Adam

Hope you are well. Thought I would send a little snippet of info to you - the Star Wars post on our website in January was the number one post of the month, generating the highest amount of interest and traffic.


Samantha Clifton
Community Relations Officer

Just thought you would all like to know. Pretty cool I think.

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