Wrangling/Support Crew Information
I have chatted with a fantastic wranglers and other members to come up with this.

Please keep any comments constructive and if I have missed anything we can build on this if and when needed.


The wrangler or support crew is a vital part of any successful troop.

A wrangler is a person out of armour or costume whose main job is to help the troopers in having a fun, safe and successful troop with the crowd and fans around them. A wrangler can be a non Garrison/Legion member who is either a family member, friend, or a Redback cadet.

As wranglers you are a representing the Redback Garrison and the 501st Legion, so you must follow all applicable guidelines and expectations. Along with the following.

- Wranglers should check in with the POC upon arrival at a troop.
- Help members into and out of armour costumes.
- Try and ensure costumes look correct and presentable, if in doubt ask someone to check the costume.
- Help man a event table and run errands if required.
- Help keep troops hydrated.
Remind the troops of breaks and make sure they take them. About every half hour or so, check in with your helmeted characters to make sure they are doing ok, this can be a simple as a look and a “thumbs up sign” or discreetly stepping up and asking how they’re doing. If the troops need a break politely let the public know that your trooper needs to go for a few minutes and escort them back a back stage/dressing area or a place out of public view.
- Help ensure the safety of the troops.
Be the eyes and ears of the armoured troopers, be look-outs for those wishing to do us harm because they think it is funny. Watch out for children that get underfoot easily, so they don’t get stepped on or whacked with a blaster or backpack. Children are a big part of any event, since they love stormtroopers, Vader, clones etc, and are usually a little too overjoyed to see them. (Some adults act the same way too)
Act as a buffer / body guard for the troop. (Someone always wants to push Vader’s buttons or try to “steal” a nice E-11 Blaster, swipe a thermal detonator, or put stickers on the armour) This is when a wrangler is really needed. They should step in between the costumer and the person and the costumer should then turn their back and walk away. You don’t want to touch the child if you can avoid it, but you want to become a barrier between them and the costumer.
- Be a photographer
Wranglers should help document, via photos, the event for our memories. Wranglers should be willing to offer to take pictures for the public “hey would you like to get in the picture too?” Also direct them to the Redback Garrison photo section (photobucket account) of our website via cards/fliers that will be made available to be handed out. Stop the troopers when someone wants a picture and you have time, if not try to play ambassador and let them know you’re in a hurry to get somewhere.
- Coordination, getting the group together and on time to a place if needed at an event.
Be the time keeper, keep the troop on schedule. Often troopers will need to be somewhere specific at an event. If the troops need to be somewhere keep an eye on the time, at a reasonable time before they need to be there, politely inform the people around the troops that they need to go and escort the troopers to their new destination. You might want to add some extra time because invariably they will get stopped along the way for “just one more picture”
- Wranglers should remain with a group of troopers, particularly helmeted and characters with poor vision. Certain characters will need special attention and a wrangler may be assigned directly to that character. Depending on the event we would like to have a ratio of at least 1:3 (1 wrangler to 3 costumed characters). If more wranglers are available one or two may be designated as photographer/s.
- Be prepared to play street sweeper and pack mule:
Pick up various random pieces of armour/props/items that may fall off during the troop.
Carry look after, wallets, watches, mobile phones etc. if there is no secure change room available
Carry a small repair kit. Most troopers will have one so you might be able to borrow it or get individual pieces together. A basic kit would more likely consist of black/white gaffa tape, super glue, scissors, band-aids, panadol, spare batteries (AAA, AA), utility/multi tool.
Carry water.
- Garrison Ambassador
Be prepared to answer questions on the Garrison / Legion, Who, what where why and how much...etc
Hand out PR stuff like temporary tattoos, business cards, fliers and any other PR material that may be available
- Wranglers are not responsible for anyone's child, that falls to the PARENT.

One part of being a wrangler, beyond all of the standard helping out here and there, is to be mindful of where you are at. When we make an appearance, those in costumes should be up front and centre. You want to try and make sure when your a wrangler your not “in the shot” when people take photos or a video. Group shots for us are different obviously we want photos of everyone involved at troops. However, when walking in parades or mingling at events, you want to stay clear those in costume so you’re not blocking somebodies shot but still close enough to be of assistance and look out for trouble makers.

You are not just the eyes and ears of your fellow troopers who are in costume. It is your job to keep everyone safe, on time and damage free. You will likely be asked questions about the Redbacks and The 501st Legion and be asked to take photos of people with the troopers so you also can consider yourself a recruiter.

So basically wranglers assist helmeted personnel by keeping a watchful eye on them during a troop.
They should be mindful of potential hazards (i.e. small children which a helmeted member can trip over, children who are harassing helmeted personnel, stairs, steps or uneven ground) and should assist with any costume malfunctions. Wranglers should keep a watchful eye as long as they are at the event. Wranglers are our eyes while we are in costume!

Even though they may not be a member of the Redbacks or the 501st, a wrangler will be held to the standards of our charter in the concerns of behaviour and interacting with the public.

- No swearing
- No smoking in public view in Garrison shirt
- No disrespecting anyone, period
- Blue Card events, if the event requires a blue card you must hold a valid and current blue card.

If any of these rules are broken, you will warned once and if there is a second occurrence, Command Staff will be informed and possible further action will be taken.

A clean tidy and presentable shirt with neat jeans or shorts and closed in comfortable shoes will suffice.
It is preferred that a Redback Garrison support crew shirt or dress shirt be worn but it is not necessary. If you don't have a garrison support crew shirt or dress shirt I am sure that there will be one that you can borrow just be sure to hand it back at the end of the troop.

Our troopers could not do what we do if it was not for the support of our wranglers and we consider you part of the team.

As you can see just by the list above, the job of a wrangler is extraordinarily important to having a successful troop. Always make sure to treat your wranglers with the same respect that you would an official member in armour.
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."


Messages In This Thread
Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Phantom - Monday 29-Jul-2013, 01:04 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Bullant - Monday 29-Jul-2013, 01:37 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Sithprincess - Monday 29-Jul-2013, 02:17 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Cavalier - Monday 29-Jul-2013, 04:15 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by coey1459 - Friday 19-Sep-2014, 12:40 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Buzzard - Friday 19-Sep-2014, 10:18 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by coey1459 - Saturday 20-Sep-2014, 11:58 AM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Phantom - Thursday 30-Jul-2015, 01:29 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Hydro - Thursday 30-Jul-2015, 03:41 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Phantom - Thursday 27-Aug-2015, 04:54 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Bad Karma - Tuesday 17-May-2016, 11:10 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by ponchomon - Saturday 18-Jun-2016, 02:11 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Xmez - Saturday 18-Jun-2016, 07:01 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Triple9 - Saturday 18-Jun-2016, 07:25 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Imperial Drone - Saturday 18-Jun-2016, 07:40 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Bally - Saturday 18-Jun-2016, 10:20 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by ponchomon - Sunday 19-Jun-2016, 06:54 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by cobra - Sunday 19-Jun-2016, 11:07 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by ponchomon - Wednesday 13-Jul-2016, 12:19 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by ponchomon - Monday 22-Aug-2016, 10:29 PM
Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Sly - Monday 22-Aug-2016, 10:48 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Agent Smith - Monday 22-Aug-2016, 11:09 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by ponchomon - Tuesday 23-Aug-2016, 12:23 AM
Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Booster - Friday 9-Jun-2017, 07:16 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Baytrooper - Friday 9-Jun-2017, 07:32 PM
Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Booster - Friday 9-Jun-2017, 08:06 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by CUBE - Friday 9-Jun-2017, 09:08 PM
Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Booster - Friday 9-Jun-2017, 09:12 PM
RE: Wrangling/Support Crew Information - by Ashlyn_Dubreas - Wednesday 28-Mar-2018, 11:40 AM

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