Meet Spec Ops
Apok here,

I joined the mighty Redbacks back in 2009.  I have built 5 sets of Spec Ops armour.

Novatrooper (4)
Nova Elite trooper (5)
Nova Medic trooper (2)
Magmatrooper (5)

Due to my lack of tech skills I basically just built these suits and BAM! there they were in front of the Spec Ops guys and they were asking "where the hell did this guy come from?"  The big problem was that the paint job I did on the Magmatrooper, although very cool and loved by the Detachment leader at the time, was not allowable with the CRL.  If I had done a build thread I would have saved a lot of time.  With my Nova Medic trooper I liaised with the only other guy in the Legion who had one approved and made sure that I had the right colour and details for the NMT.  It was approved first go.

Times have changed, well I'm still rubbish at the tech, but the main point is don't things in secret.  It costs you money.  Start a build thread.  Ask questions.  Listen to advice.  Do not try and be the first in the Legion.  No one actually cares.  You see the numbers next to my costumes?  That is what they were in the Legion.  No one cares!  The kids don't care.  Your garrison mates don't care.  Do a build thread and save yourself time, money and frustration.

Also it is always fun to be called Darth Vader because you are in black armour.

So don't be a Shiney Whitey.  Join the actual dark side.  

Once you go black you never go back!

Messages In This Thread
Meet Spec Ops - by APOK - Tuesday 25-May-2021, 07:32 PM
RE: Meet Spec Ops - by hopfot - Monday 2-May-2022, 01:39 PM

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