Soon to graduate from the GA
Hi everyone 
It’s Ethan here, some of you don’t know me, however many of you have known me since I was 8 years old. 
I am soon going to be 18yrs old and Mammasith (mum) and Cyclops(dad) are helping me build my Kashyyyk trooper ready for approval into the big wide world of the 501st legion ! 
I’ve started a build thread to show my progress as I hear the GML nags about that  Hehehe Can’t wait to be approved and troop as a full legion member with my extended family


I cannot believe you’re eighteen, what the heck

Poor nagging mums! I can’t wait to see the finished product. I bet it’ll look amazing regardless
18? …no not allowed you’re still 15 tops
DW2013 to DW2018
Welcome Ethan! The build is looking great so far. Looking forward to seeing it completed and you out trooping!
Shawn Truesdell - Satel - SL/ID/TI/IC - 88668
What?!  I can't believe you're almost 18?!  Wow.   Aaaah Smile
Bunnies..... The cutest things ever!

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