Hello from Gladstone CQ
Hi all signed up last night really looking forward to discovering my path.
As yet i havent decided what armor i would like to start with.
I know this question has most probably been asked repeatedly
But where would be the best place to shop for approved armor?
Look forward to catching up with everyone and contributing where possible.

DW2013 to DW2018
Hi and welcome , many determining factors in armor , first is to pick something from the Star Wars universe that appeals to you , once that choice is made we can direct you to the appropriate detachment that handles that costume and the relevant CRL which will provide the detail for your build , the detachments will have a list of vetted armor manufacturers to choose from , enjoy your journey regardless .
Welcome to the forums Jay Smile
[Image: VXgDbT3.jpg]
Thank you for the welcome.
I think deep down i would love to create a Stormtrooper
Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated

The welcomes continue, ...welcome.
"Perhaps I didn't make myself clear, I said supper is ready!"
DW2015 -> DW2018
OCC2015 -> OCC19
BN15 -> SN19
GCSN16 ->  GCSN19
Well for a shiny white stormy you'll also want to join the whitearmor.net forums or for dirty sandies MEPD.net
DW2013 to DW2018
Hi Jay
Definitely sign up on Www.whitearmor.net for all things Stormtrooper.
The guys have given you some sage advice, and if I may add to what has been said, this is a very research intensive hobby. You will be overwhelmed with the sheer volume of information on White armor, also known as FISD ( First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment) Fear not, there are many good people both here in the Radbacks and over there.
You will want to head straight to the getting started section and also have a look at the costume reference library to see what the standard is for basic 501st approval, and the higher levels of accuracy Expert Infantry and Centurion, that you can build to.
Good luck on your journey and ask plenty of questions along the way.
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

[Image: T0ZvRQv.png]

[Image: Eu2xjUD.png]
Thank you have followed advice and signed up with whitearmor.net
Just reading getting started.
Hi Jayoz.

Welcome to the Forums.

I think we may be the closest active members to your location. Arienh and I are in Bundaberg, Baytrooper and Wolf are in Hervey Bay. We have 4 Cadets also in the Widebay area that are currently working on costumes.

I realise we are still quite a ways from your location, but if you need any help/assistance, feel free to contact us. Heck, we may even be able to organise an Armour Party (weekend) and help you get your armour underway, once you have it.

Feel free to drop me a line anytime.
Hey welcome! Great to see someone else from Gladstone. I'm working on a pilot costume but if you need any help send me a message. I have some storm trooper knowledge. You will find people on here and white armour incredibly helpful!!
Hi Jay there and welcome to the forums.

Have a read through this, it will give you a run down of the membership process. Have a read of the links to you can never have too much information.


As the others have said if you are keen on stormtrooper armour jump over and sign up on the FISD site http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/. There you will find a list of vetted sellers. Get in contact with them all and give them as many details about yourself height, weight, all your measurements so that you can find the right armour to fit your body and your budget. Most of them come in kit form so you will have to do some assembly.

There are a few stormtroopers to choose from, have a look through the list and then research the one you want to make.

If in doubt please ask.

Oh and stay away from Ebay!
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Hi Jayoz,

Good to see another Gladstone recruit joining the ranks. I am just out of town in Burua, so not to far away.

I am more than happy to support you and any members in the area and to catch up with others in CQ.

Good luck with your build and make sure you research thoroughly. Doppeldaumen1


"Courage isn't having the strength to go on - it is going on when you don't have strength." - Napoleon Bonaparte
Just received my track note
Rs Props TK Armour should arrive Xmas Eve.
Thank you to everyone once again for the welcome
and show of Support.
DarkFather look forward to catching up and an Armour Party sounds
like a good way for everyone in the CQ and Wide Bay Area
to meet up.

Thank you to Sly, MammaSith, Monstar for your email support
and advice.

Look forward to working with Monstar to build up my armour

Jayoz ( Jamie)
Welcome! Good luck!

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